Terms and conditions

Hello and welcome to www.doraklinova.com, the home of Dora Klinova, a renowned author and poet.
Here's the deal: when you use this site, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Think of it as a handshake agreement between us.
Are you not on board with something in the Terms? It's best not to use the site then.
Heads up: we might change these Terms without a heads-up, so do check in on them now and then. They cover key stuff like your privacy, how we handle intellectual property, and the do's and don'ts on the site. Questions? Just reach out to us. Remember, sticking around and using the site means you're cool with these Terms, including any future changes.

1. Introduction Welcome to www.doraklinova.com, the official website of American writer and poet Dora Klinova. By accessing this site, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

2. Copyright All content on this website is copyrighted by Dora Klinova. Sharing is permitted as outlined in Section 4.

3. Blog Usage The blog features posts by Dora and her team. Please engage respectfully.

4. Content Sharing Feel free to share website content with proper credit to Dora Klinova and a direct link to the original content.

5. Online Store Explore Dora's books and merchandise in our store. All sales are subject to our store policies.

6. Advertising and Partnerships We are open to advertising and partnership negotiations. Interested parties should contact us for terms.

7. Prohibited Content and Conduct Strictly no inappropriate content. We enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal activities.

8. Typographical Errors and Inaccuracies We aim for accuracy but cannot guarantee it. We reserve the right to correct any errors or inaccuracies.

9. Liability We are not liable for any injuries or damages resulting from your use of the website.

10. Changes to Terms These Terms are subject to change. Please review them regularly.

11. Governing Law These Terms are governed by U.S. law. Contact us for inquiries or concerns.

Thank you for visiting and respecting the terms of www.doraklinova.com.